I am so sorry for not posting this episode update sooner! I've been busy with work and school, blah, blah!
So, I've seen this episode maybe 7 times, damn MTV, it's just such a show! My favorite by the way.
In the first 30 seconds, I don't know why some random guy walked through Jenna and Jake holding hands... wow, I seem to really want to type Matty, rather than Jake. So, maybe since that was the first physical thing to happen in this episode, it could be foreshadowing? And, the guy looked like Matty when he came out of the Sanctuary. Just saying.
The "not open in a creepy Polyamorous way" line was hilarious. And, grammatically correct. *Just for anyone who doesn't know, Polygamy (and by extension Polygamous) is one male and more than one female. And, Polyandry or Polyamorous is one female and more than one male....* (Kinda like how it would be *if* Jenna was with both Matty and Jake. Creepy.

Look at that- a whole paragraph bitching about sweatshirts and I haven't even gotten to the opening credits!
I like the flash to the black and white of Jenna, Jake and the 80's dude. It puts the whole upcoming scare into perspective. And, why is that guy "clockin' the security cam"?
I may be wrong (but, at the same time- I've seen every episode of AWKWARD. that has been aired at least 5 times) but, wasn't that flashback of Jenna and Matty in season 1 near the season finale?
So, finally past the credits! And, Jenna is freaking out and Tamara is talking about how she at least wants a cameo *from the neck up*, sure. Who are the "happy sacks" being "webified"? And, how it's a good day to be asian with uber boringness.. I really like that Sadie's in the scene for about 15 to 20 seconds, she is hilarious. And, mean... Anyway...
"It's so dark, I bet all you can see are shadowy figures, no faces. Right no faces?" Love that line. I can't pin point who exactly I'm thinking of when he says this line or when he says, "Get to the point, any point. Please.", but it reminds me of someone. Why is Jake so upset that Jenna's not a virgin? Seems like people in my school are would be happy about that. "'Member that girl I lost it to? Neither do I." Okay, who did he lose it to? Was it Jenna because, if it was, he has definitely not forgotten about her.
I really like that Jenna can stand up for herself, like when she was talking about it not being his business. Okay, feel free to comment about it- do you think it is Matty's business what Jenna's telling Jake about her and Matty?
Valerie scares me. A lot. What the hell is up with the "butt popping meth" line and, I could be too young, but I don't know what Murder She Wrote is. If it is a thing? And, shouldn't she know that the Sanctuary exists? I think so.
The Asians. The Earthquake, big deal... Funny about throwing Elena Harvey a baby shower before she knew she was preggers. Maybe they aren't magic, but they do control everything. This episode might as well be called The Asians in Pallos Hills. Round eyes... well, us round eyes've had it coming. Amasian sushi!
Lacey is a b****. Completely. But, it seems like it would hurt Jenna's father more than Jenna. I guess because, she's had more time to process the letter. The one thing that I think that this episode is missing is a scene regarding the aftermath of the "This is who you are." letter. It really would show where they are both coming from.
Don't know how much I'd be spilling secrets if it wasn't out yet. What is a stoney bone? Okay, you don't have to respond to that one. It's rhetorical.
I really like Jenna's shirt in the scene when she tells Ming to call off the hunt.
Jake does not look good in sunglasses. Jenna was IN LOVE with Matty? NOT ANYMORE. Okay, if Matty knew that Jenna was a virgin, wouldn't he know that he was the only one and that she was talking about him? Guess it goes to show how much he really paid attention to her. Looks like attention's paying Matty now. Beau Mirchoff looks so hot when he does the scene with Matty telling Jenna he loves her. He's just so hot... and this is coming from a girl who likes blonde guys. Okay, back to the show- Does Matty just tell Jenna that to try and win her back or does he actually mean it?
"You like this song? I like this song." Maybe I have a dorky sense of humor, but I totally would've laughed when Jake said the thing about vodka and cigarettes. Not can't breathe laughing, but at least a giggle.
I kinda think that Jenna still should've told Jake, but I know that I wouldn't have the balls to.
I really like the dress under sweater thing that Tamara had going on. The sweaters tight enough that she still has a figure, but it's not too tight to the point that she looks like she's wearing toddler clothing. And, she really hasn't done a lot of rogue stuff because, of Ricky Schwartz (I am so happy that Schwartz-y got his hair cut and that he doesn't look like a such a nerd!).

Is the shoe leather comment dirty? Or just Valerie?
This is the second "Hello Kitty" to Asian comment I've heard today. I think it's great. I've never been quite able to wrap my head around the idea of the mafia (or mob)... and now, I get it! The Asian Mafia- seems like it would be a good movie.
When Matty says that he got the tape from Fred Wu... did anyone else notice that? Asian name! Damn, they really do know everything. Just as Jenna stood up for herself before, she did it more by telling Matty that he really did make her feel bad about herself. Did he really think that she would tell him that she loves him?
A lot of stuff has generally been happening in the last 3 minutes of the episode. Are some secrets better concealed or revealed?
Behymen. Still hilarious. Still fresh. Still fu*king awesomely funny. When Jake kisses Jenna and he says, "Hmm, tastes like pie." "As long as I don't taste like damage." And, he says, "A little." What did that mean? Does it mean that he thinks she does or that he thinks she doesn't? To add some extra drama to the show, it would've been great to see Matty show up at her french doors and see them and not knock.
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